
Reviving Yiddish: Harnessing Multimedia to Transform Language Acquisition

  The divide between research and teaching is foreign to Anna Shternshis, the Al and Malka Green Associate Professor of Yiddish Studies and the Director of the University of Toronto’s Anne Tanenbaum Centre for Jewish Studies. Her research interests in a heritage project of honouring and reviving the world of Yiddish-speaking Jews in Russia and

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ACTion Interview: Dr. Elaine Khoo

DIGITAL ENGLISH LANGUAGE LEARNING RESOURCES DESIGNED TO MEET STUDENTS HALFWAY At the University of Toronto’s Scarborough campus (UTSC), Dr. Elaine Khoo is working toward improving university-level literacy skills for students with diverse academic and linguistic backgrounds. As coordinator of the English Language Development Centre (EDLC) and a researcher and teacher in the field of student

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Usability Assessment: an Unconventional Approach to the Use of Lecture Capture Software

Usability Assessment: an Unconventional Approach to the Use of Lecture Capture Software In Dr. Colin Furness’ Usability Assessment Workshop at the Faculty of Information, first year Master of Information students are taught how to observe and analyze the way in which users navigate through online resources. However, the unconventional use of an online teaching tool

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The Anatomy Glove Learning System: From the UofT to Around the World

Professors Pat McKee and Anne Agur are veteran educators in the University of Toronto’s Faculty of Medicine. While their passion is for teaching, creating a start-up company called Anatomy Softwear International Inc. turned them into entrepreneurs. Their invention, the Anatomy Glove Learning System, is now used in over 30 educational programs in over a dozen

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